The Answer Depends Upon the Question

I’ve often explained how I went to seminary nearly half-a-century ago looking for “answers.” But instead, was introduced to different “questions.” From which I have concluded, across the years of my adulthood, that the...

Evolution in the Bible

A “biblicist”–also known as a “fundamentalist”–would never think that “the Bible” and “evolution” should ever be found together in the same sentence. Believing, instead, that such terms are mutually...

On Atheism

I recently attended the occasion of a professional associate being installed as the “minister” of a Unitarian Universalist “church.” The quotes refer to my observation that, in such a context, “minister” and “church” are...

Who Is God?

Recently, a client/patient (patient/client) was talking to me about God. At least–to quote AA–the God of his understanding. In fact, an understanding not all that different from my own. Except that I’ve spent more time over more years than...

Thanksgiving 2011

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. The reasons vary. For one, most people seem to have something within themselves that values gratitude, be they religious or not. In other words, compared to Christmas, for example, Thanksgiving is a notably less sectarian holiday....