A Homeless Veteran

“The last thing I ever wanted to happen would have been to find myself homeless. But it’s turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened to me.” That’s what my friend and colleague said to me recently. He’s a deeply...

A Book Review

When I was a student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (1967-71), Glenn Hinson was a seminal figure in the shaping of my life in a number of important ways. Not the least of which I learned from him to think of as “spiritual...

The Answer Depends Upon the Question

I’ve often explained how I went to seminary nearly half-a-century ago looking for “answers.” But instead, was introduced to different “questions.” From which I have concluded, across the years of my adulthood, that the...

What’s a Kid to Do?

A benign incident at church on Palm Sunday was revealing with respect to an important aspect of child development. My daughter, her husband and two young sons were visiting from Denver. The occasion was the baptism/dedication of the younger child–Harmon, 15...