Why Marriage Counseling?

Two recent experiences revealed the value and importance of “marriage counseling.” At least with a well-trained, competent and experienced “marriage counselor.” As if, after nearly forty years of such training and experience, I wouldn’t...

My Olympic Moment

This year I’ve found myself hooked on at least a couple of Olympic sports I would hardly otherwise spend any time on. I’ve always loved track and field, and may even have some medals and ribbons from high school saved and packed away somewhere. If I can...

Did I Say That?

What’s that old saw? “I know you think you understand what I said. But what you don’t realize is that what you heard is not what I meant.” Two examples from this summer represent the exploiting of statements made by both of our nation’s...

Piano Lessons

A couple of weeks ago, I played the piano for the kids to sing at Vacation Bible School at my church. Of course it’s not “my church.” Still–“church”–it’s not something I merely “attend.” Like a play, a...

Piano Lessons

A couple of weeks ago, I played the piano for the kids to sing at Vacation Bible School at my church. Of course it’s not “my church.” Still–“church”–it’s not something I merely “attend.” Like a play, a...